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Corporate Cards | 

Digital Marketing Cards

Your go-to card for all 

digital marketing 


Take control of your digital marketing budget with easy-to-use and customizable cards. Load your marketing budget into the card, select the campaigns you want to run, and keep track of expenditures in real-time

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Verbally specifying budgets, or even having them in writing, does not guarantee that your digital marketing spends will not cross the specified budget, especially when using one corporate card for all spends.
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A purpose-based corporate card with a predefined limit ensures that your digital marketing expenses do not exceed your intended budget.

Simplify your business’s

 digital marketing


Subscription Management

Effectively manage your recurring digital marketing expenses, such as subscriptions that recur monthly or annually

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Spend Optimization

Enhance your organization's performance by implementing a robust purchasing oversight process that helps reduce cost and streamlines your payment process

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Marketing Budgets

A digital marketing business card lets you set customized usage limits, ensuring no overspending

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You can seamlessly add your card for digital marketing expenses to the desired platform and select the campaigns you wish to run

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Learn how digital marketing cards can revolutionize the way you work!

Read Blogs

Why Is Digital Marketing Important for Small Businesses?

Why Is Digital Marketing Important for Small Businesses?

Aug 08, 2022

We live in a digital world, where the importance of digital marketing is likely to only increase in the future. According to industry research, there were over 700 million internet users in India in 2020 which is expected to grow to...

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Digital Marketing for Startups: Advantages and Opportunities

Digital Marketing for Startups: Advantages and Opportunities

May 05, 2023

While traditional marketing methods still hold value, digital marketing has emerged as a game-changer for startups. With its unparalleled reach, cost-effectiveness, and precise targeting capabilities...

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Manage Digital Marketing Expenses with Corporate Cards

Manage Digital Marketing Expenses with Corporate Cards

Sep 026, 2022

Virtual account allows businesses to initiate seamless financial transactions and maintain track records. Various large, medium, and small-scale businesses are shifting towards...

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Got Questions?

Don't worry! Our FAQs section will help you learn about digital marketing in detail

What is digital marketing, and how does the digital marketing card aid its management?

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Digital marketing promotes products or services using digital channels like search engines, social media, email, and websites. Digital marketing cards serve as financial control tools in this landscape, consolidating expenses scattered across platforms. These purpose-based cards enable businesses to manage digital marketing expenses efficiently in a centralized place, simplifying financial oversight and offering a comprehensive view of their digital marketing activities.

Can I implement usage limits on my digital marketing card to safeguard against overspending?

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These cards offer a highly flexible solution to customize usage limits on their digital marketing budgets, ensuring a stringent check against overspending. The best part is that these limits can be aligned with your business’s specific marketing budget, making it easier to stay within financial boundaries. This feature empowers companies to maintain strict financial control, preventing unintentional or excessive expenditures in their digital marketing efforts.

How can digital marketing cards simplify the process of running marketing campaigns?

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Running marketing campaigns has become effortless and efficient with digital marketing cards. You can easily select and execute campaigns by seamlessly integrating this card into your digital marketing platform. The card's setup allows you to manage all expenses related to your campaigns in one central location. This simplifies both the initiation and tracking of campaigns, enhancing your ability to manage and optimize your digital marketing efforts effectively.

Can I set specific limits on my digital marketing card for various expenditures?

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Companies can issue this corporate card for digital marketing purposes and establish specific spending limits for distinct categories of expenditures. For instance, you can set limits for campaign-related expenses and subscription renewals based on your marketing budget. Furthermore, you can manage the types of expenditures you want to allow, ensuring that payments to specific websites or services align with your predefined financial boundaries.

How to prevent the misuse of its digital marketing card for marketing expenses?

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These digital marketing cards employ a well-defined usage policy to prevent misuse. This policy acts as a safeguard, ensuring that only specific types of expenditures pre-approved by the marketing team are allowed on the card. These cards offer a secure and efficient way to protect against unauthorized or inappropriate spending by controlling and restricting card usage through predefined parameters. This level of control ultimately contributes to enhanced financial discipline and transparency in managing your digital marketing expenses.

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Seeking further understanding of digital marketing cards?

A digital marketing card is a specialized financial tool designed to streamline and enhance the management of digital marketing expenses. It empowers businesses to centralize their spending, set customized limits, and control their budget effectively.

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Explore our comprehensive guide
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Why are digital marketing expenditures necessary for any business?

A digital marketing team is crucial for shaping a business's online presence, handling website management, social media engagement, content syndication, and more. Expenditures in digital marketing are unavoidable, covering software subscriptions, search engine optimization tools, and investments in paid advertising. Spending varies based on campaign frequency and tools used.

What are typical marketing expenditures that companies may encounter?

Businesses typically incur marketing costs in specific categories, including expenses for content and design improvement tools to enhance quality. Pay-per-click or advertising costs are typical for channel-specific campaigns. Optimization tools are essential for website and blog content. Other costs include event-related expenses like sponsorship, booth graphics, giveaways, and travel. Consultancy fees and occasional one-time charges may also contribute to overall expenditures.

What are the key elements in managing digital marketing expenses with a credit card?

Effectively managing digital marketing expenses involves establishing budgets aligned with annual spending plans and allocating funds to individuals for designated expenses. Setting up approval processes within the department is critical to financial control. Leveraging mass payment discounts is pivotal for efficient expense management. The digital marketing card simplifies these aspects, enabling businesses to maintain financial discipline and streamline marketing operations effectively.

What is the role of a corporate card in business expenses?

A corporate card for business expenses, supported by an intelligent spend management platform, streamlines financial outlays, ensuring operational continuity. These cards enable businesses to allocate funds, set spending limits, establish approval matrices, and track usage comprehensively. Digital marketing cards extend this concept, offering specialized features for controlling and monitoring digital marketing spends.